The Repertoire
The Kaleidoscopes repertoire includes genuine folk songs and works by well-known composers in a variety of moods and styles.
Each book adds sequentially adds bow technique, left hand technique, expressive vocabulary, and cognitive development.
Literacy & Theory
Lines & Spaces is the note-reading companion series to Kaleidoscopes. It also includes sight singing in movable-do solfège.
When begun concurrently with Kaleidoscopes Book 1, students achieve a strong note-reading foundation by the middle of Book 2.
Kaleidoscopes Book 1
Although designed for very young beginners, Book 1 covers substantial ground musically. The student will leave the book able to play in first and third position and several keys, with an understanding of tonal patterns through extensive background in transposition.
This book is optimal for very young learners because of the very simple songs; however, an older beginner will benefit from the transposition and cover the same material very quickly.
The illustrations in the book make the songs more relevant and enticing for pre-reading age children, while the parent guide provides the new practice parent with vital information for successfully learning the songs and practicing with their child.
Kaleidoscopes Book 2
The songs in Book 2 are slightly longer but with accessible melodies and phrase structure.
Many of the earlier songs in the book are four-bar songs in which the second half is played in a different key. In this way, young students experience the challenge of greater length without an increase in memorization difficulty.
Crescendo, diminuendo, vibrato and bow stylings are introduced toward the middle of Book 2, moving toward readiness for a few simple classical pieces in the latter part of the book.
Vibrato is also introduced during Book 2 and students typically achieve a well-formed beginning vibrato by the end of the book.

This book is awaiting the recording of the CD and will be released as soon as this is available.
Kaleidoscopes Book 3
The songs in Kaleidoscopes Book 3 are genuinely longer than those in Book 2, as the student has now grasped many recurring melodic patterns and can more easily memorize several distinct phrases in one piece.
Looking ahead to Vivaldi, Book 3 uses Celtic fiddle tunes to develop a quick left hand and fluent string crossings.
Classical pieces are now explored in earnest, with the student now able to perform them with stylistically appropriate dynamics, articulations and tone.